Brown Rice



Ingredients: Brown basmati rice (serves 4)


How to:

Rice Cooker Method

1. Wash and drain 3 pots of rice in a rice cooker, or seive

2. Transfer to the rice cooker and add 24 oz or 2 mugs of cold water

3. Switch the rice cooker on and let it do its thing.


Stove-Top Method

1. Wash and drain 3 pots of rice in a pan, or seive

2. Add 24 oz or 2 mugs of cold water (brown rice requires a little more water than white rice).

3. Turn up the heat to a medium heat and let the rice boil for 20-25 mins or until the water begins to evaporate.

4. Turn the heat down to a mimimum, put the lid on and let simmer for a few minutes until the water runs dry. Remove from heat when done.


Recipe & image by Sabina Huq

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